NEW Class Schedule
6:45pm-7:45 @ Fraser Suites
YIN YOGA students should please bring 2 yoga blocks, a mat & a thick towel or blanket. (Blocks, blankets & mats can be purchased at Adventure HQ in Time Square Mall or ordered in advance from Julie)
10:30am-11:30 @ Fraser Suites
6:45pm-7:45 @ Fraser Suites
7am-8am @ end of 23A Street in Jumeirah 2,
SUNRISE BEACH YOGA this class is
free of charge
10am-11am in Warqa'a, YOGA PLUS!
Rates: 1 class = 70 aed, 10 classes = 500 aed
Men + Yoga = Ahhhhh....

Yoga classes always seem to be dominated by female students. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that but I find it ironic given that originally, yoga was developed for men, not women. Men tend to have tight hips, shoulders and hamstrings and suffer from the effects of high stress. Therefore, they could benefit greatly from a regular yoga practice. Today I came across a great article in Men's Health about how & why yoga can benefit men. Click
here and take a look at the article!
Yoga Simplified

Do you ever feel intimidated by yoga enthusiasts? There are those that feel if you do yoga, you must also lead a raw-vegan-gluten-free-non-dairy lifestyle and spend a significant amount of time chanting, meditating and fasting in order to become 'One' with the universe. At the other end of the spectrum are the hard-bodied folks that focus mainly on doing asanas (forgoing the diet, chanting & meditating), bending like a pretzel, seemingly balancing on one finger, whilst every muscle in the body is flexed. I've heard students and friends suggest that they have 'failed' at yoga if they don't fit into one of those ends of the spectrum. And I have to admit that as much as I enjoy reading magazines and journals focused on yoga, those periodicals often feature the yoga 'extremes' and have at times, left me feeling somewhat intimidated.
The five principles of the Sivinanda Yoga Centres are fairly simple: Exercise (Asanas), Breathing (Pranayama), Relaxation (Savasana), Diet, and Meditation (Dhyana). Anyone and
every body can incorporate these principles into their lives. We may not all incorporate them the same way or at the same level of intensity but to some degree, I believe that every person is able to practice the five principles. To help define these principles take a look at this
article . One does not need to follow an extreme diet or have a perfect body to benefit from regular yoga practice. The only thing one needs is the desire to try. As Arthur says in this incredible
video, "Just because you can't do it today, doesn't mean that you won't be able to do it one day. Never give up." Take five minutes and check out his courageous and incredible transformation through the practice of yoga.