Saturday, March 30, 2013

Log Out & Power Down

When was the last time you did nothing? I don't mean you turned on the TV and stared mindlessly at the screen but when did you last purposefully lead your mind into a restful, quiet place? No tv, mobile switched completely off, radio disturbance. It's so simple, yet it's not.

We have become a society that is switched on all day, everyday. I'm just as guilty as the next person. I'm embarrassed to admit that on occasion I have got out of bed in the middle of the night to check email and voice messages. Why don't we take care of our brains the way we take care of our most valued possessions? We wouldn't run our cars 16 or 18 hours a day so why do we allow our brains to be switched on all the time? What kind of physical and emotional impact does this on-going activity have on our brains, bodies and overall well-being? High blood pressure, loss of sleep, increased  stress & weight gain are just a few of the impacts that our high-energy, non-stop Western lifestyle has had on our health.

How would your sleep and overall health change if you took 10 minutes each day to meditate? This entertainingTED talk video and supporting scientific research has some really surprising results about  the effects that meditation has on the brain and heart.

Before you dismiss the idea of meditation, let's clear up some misconceptions about the practice.  

You must sit cross legged to meditate 
The best way to sit when you meditate is in a position that is comfortable for you - in a chair, on the floor, lying on a sofa, wherever!
You must burn incense and chant during meditation 
Neither are required or necessary. However, some enjoy the smell of incense and the focus of the mind that chants offer
You have to stop all thoughts during meditation 
Quite the opposite. We allow our thoughts to flow but rather than focus on the thoughts, we become an observer of the thoughts. I had the great fortune of attending one of Suzanne Robson's meditation sessions last year. In preparation she prompted us to "Take ourselves out of the river of thoughts, place ourselves on the banks of the river and become an observer." Trying to dam the river is a waste of energy. The river of thoughts in our heads is wonderful but we don't have to always be in the middle of it.
You have to be a Buddist or Hindu to meditate
Anyone of any faith (or no faith) can meditate. It isn't about focusing on God or faith. Meditation is about quieting the mind, observing one's thoughts and allowing the body and the mind to "log out" for a short period of time. Having said that, some find it very peaceful to focus on their faith during meditation. The bottom line is to focus on finding a quiet, peaceful place within you and allowing your mind and your focus to relax and let go in that place.

So, ready to give it a go?

Why not join us this Tuesday for Tranquil Tuesday Meditation, 2 April 2013 from 7pm-8pm in Umm Sequiem 1. Contact me at to book your spot in Tuesday's class. I hope you'll join us!

Fields of Yoga Dubai Class Schedule
Week of 31 March

Monday & Wednesday 
7pm-8:15pm, Umm Sequiem 1, 50 aed pp

7pm-8pm, Umm Sequiem 1, 50 aed pp

7am-8:15am, Umm Sequiem 1, adjacent to DOSC

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New Beginnings

This weekend and in the coming week there are several  free & low cost opportunities to integrate yoga into your life.
  • Friday 29 March
    • Open Air Yoga in Safa Park 8:30am-9:45am Yoga Practice, 10:00am-11:30am Acro Yoga. (Donation based class, ALL proceeds go to local charities. All classes taught by certified and experienced yoga teachers)
    • Full Moon Yoga Fest 15:30-19:30, Amphiteatre, Media City, Dubai UAE, FREE admission
  • Saturday 30 March
    •  SUNRISE BEACH YOGA, 7am-8:15am, Umm Suquiem 1, FREE class (email for map & directions)
  • Monday & Wednesday 1 & 3 April
    • 7PM-8:15PM OUTDOOR HATHA FLOW class (50 aed per person) at the home studio in Umm Suqeim 1 (email for map & directions)
  • Tuesday 2 April
    • 7pm-8pm TRANQUIL TUESDAY MEDITATION (50 aed per person) at the home studio in Umm Suqeim 1 (email for bookings, map & directions)

"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." (Buddha) What an incredibly simple, yet powerful, statement. The past is the past. It is gone and we cannot change what happened yesterday, last week or a decade ago. Tomorrow is not ours...yet. There is no use in fretting over what may come or what might be. Today, however, is a whole different story.

Today you can choose to change your entire life...or not. I'm not suggesting that you do. For all I know you have a perfectly happy life as it is. But don't you find it unbelieveable that with each and every day you have a choice of which path you might direct your life? The choice can be as simple as approaching your day with a positive attitude or going for a walk or eating healthier foods.  Each of those seemingly simple choices can have a profound effect on our lives and the lives of those around us. It's the proverbial line of dominoes. Tip one over and the others are soon to follow.

Tomorrow, Lent will end. For those who are unfamiliar, Lent is a Christian time of prayer, reflection, fasting and deepening one's faith. The end of Lent is marked with Good Friday and then Easter Sunday, a time of renewal, new life and new beginnings. For me it represents a time of hope, not unlike the hope I feel as I approach each new day.

So, I invite you to join me in this time of renewal, no matter what your faith is. Take a moment to examine your life, your habits, your thoughts and deeds. Is there any room for renewal or change? It's a wonderful time to try new activities. The schedule above lists several events that are either free or low cost. If you have been curious about yoga, meditation or acro-yoga, why not try one of these activities?  Today is a great day for a new beginning!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Yoga and the "F" Word

Last Wednesday night during our moonlight Hatha Yoga class in the garden, we went through a sequence of standing poses. As we flowed through our exhalations and inhalations, we moved from standing split (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana) to Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III). One of my students who is an athletic, healthy woman, lost her balance and came out of the posture suddenly.  As that happened I distinctly heard the "F" word escape from her lips in dissatisfaction with her body's movement. 

"I always fail when I try that asana." she complained

"Did I hear the 'F' word? ...Fail?" I questioned, "There is no fail in yoga. There is only acceptance of where your body is at this moment. You are here on your mat, sharing the practice with me. How is that a failure?" I inquired

In western society we are inundated with images and videos of perfectly posed yogis in very challenging, often advanced, postures. It seems the focus of yoga has changed from linking the body, mind and spirit - the very meaning of yoga -to looking camera ready at all times during our practice. The voice of the ego is strong and alive in all of us. How many of us can say that we've never felt envy or even jealousy as we watch another yogi in class achieve the very posture that our bodies have not been ready to reach? These emotions can be self-destructive. 
Photo credit:

The way I feel about yoga is embodied in Judith Hanson Lasater's quote, "Yoga is not about touching your toes; it's about what you learn on the way down." Some of the many benefits of the practice are finding joy in the little moments throughout the day, focusing on gratitude even in challenging times and connecting with the divine within, allowing its peace and love to emanate through all areas of our lives. The fact yoga practice also helps your body to become more physically beautiful, toned and healthier are just icing on the cake! 

So the next time you fall out of a posture, allow yourself to smile, even laugh at the joy of your body's movement, feeling gratitude that you have taken the time out of your hectic schedule to do something wonderful and nurturing for yourself. 

Oh, and leave that four-letter "F" word at the door.
Photo credit:

Fields of Yoga Class Schedule
Mondays & Wednesdays @ the home studio 
HATHA FLOW in the Garden 7pm-8:15pm

Tuesdays @ the home studio 
TRANQUIL TUESDAY MEDITATION 7pm-8pm, 1st Tues of the month
YIN YOGA 7pm-8:15pm, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Tuesday of the month & by request only

Saturdays @ beach in Umm Suqeim 1

prebooking essential: