Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer is Upon Us!

The first official day of summer is almost here. With that comes a pause in the yoga classes that I currently offer at Fraser Suites. From 20 June until 26 August 2012 Yin Yoga and Hatha Flow classes will be on hold. If you have purchased a package of classes from me, the validity period will freeze during the time I'm away and will resume after 26 August.

It is difficult to believe that June is well underway.  This time last year I was preparing for huge life changes. My wedding was 2 months away and after 15 years in my career, I had resigned my post as a full-time language teacher and head of department. I was looking forward to taking a year off to reflect on the changes in my life and to pursue certification as a yoga teacher.  The idea was to deepen my practice, focus on my new marriage and return to the classroom in fall 2012 well rested and ready to face the next couple of decades in the classroom before reaching retirement age.

The joy and peace I have found as a yoga teacher cannot be matched. The prospect of working in a room full of desks and books instead of yoga mats and bolsters doesn't hold the same appeal for me as it did a year ago. I am passionate about sharing the practice of yoga and I never want to give it up. My dilemma is that the salary and benefits that most language teachers enjoy go far beyond the income of a yoga teacher.

There are many more important things in life than money. Peace of mind, maintaining good physical and mental health and overall happiness are just a few examples. However, no one can deny that keeping food on the table and a roof over one's head are an integral part of maintaining your physical and mental health and require money...quite a lot of it if you live in Dubai.  Was it naive of me to think that I could put aside the traditional teaching career for the dream of teaching yoga and maintain the same lifestyle? Do I even want to maintain the same lifestyle?

During the summer, I will have time to contemplate these questions as my husband and I travel to the Caribbean and Panama. I hope to find a way to continue to teach yoga and contribute to our household coffers. (Feel free to chime in via the comments section below in if you have any thoughts/ideas on the matter)

Speaking of Panama, I'm eager to explore yoga studios and teachers in Panama. If you have any recommendations, please add them to the comments below or email me at

I wish you a very peaceful, joyful and rejuvenating summer holiday!