Monday, October 28, 2013

FoYD Update for Oct/Nov 2013

FoYD Class Schedule
Mondays & Wednesdays 7pm-8:15 pm 
Hatha Flow in the Garden @ the home studio in Umm Suqeim1
Tuesdays (pm), Wednesdays (am)  & Saturdays (pm)
Private Lessons -book yours today!
Saturdays 7am-8:15am 
Sunrise Beach Yoga
Public Beach, Umm Suqeim 1 
adjacent to Bait al Bahar Restaurant & DOSC 

FoYD classes are off and running this season. I've met many new faces over the past month and I feel truly honoured to have the opportunity share the practice with so many new yogis.
This week and next (30 Oct & 6 Nov) I've added a Wednesday evening class. If the Wednesday evening class is well attended then I will add it to the permanent schedule so be sure to come along if this suits your schedule. (pre-booking encouraged

Tonight's (Mon 28/10) class in the garden will focus on core strengthening and hip openers. Please come and join us for this rejuvenating practice! Class begins at 7pm and the rate is 50aed per person. Email me for a location map.

This week's (lacto-ovo) vegetarian recipe:
photo credit: Vegetarian Times
This delicious roasted pear salad recipe is great for sharing with friends. The combination of sweet and savory flavours really satisfies those end-of-the-day food cravings. Make a double batch and share with a friend; the salad will taste even better!

Inversion Tutorial
In classes over the past few weeks we've been trying different inversions (crow, tripod headstand and traditional headstand). I found this nice short tutorial on YouTube for tripod headstand.  A couple bits of important information before you try this fun posture:

a) always do a bit of a warm up before attempting the posture.
b) I suggest doing this on a double mat with a few blankets behind you, just in case you fall out of it.
c) Remember to engage all the muscles in your core body in order to support the weight of your entire body and be sure to continue to press through the hands, keeping the arms at a 90 degree angle.
d) If you suffer from high blood pressure or glaucoma, it is best to skip this inversion. Perhaps try bridge instead!
Photo credit: Yoga Journal, Model: Kathryn Budig

For a more detailed written tutorial, check out Kathryn Budig's Yoga Journal article. Have fun with it and if you begin to fall out of the posture, remember to tuck your chin and roll...and smile!

Yoga Bolsters for Sale
In less than 2 weeks another batch of yoga bolsters will be ready for purchase. The last order completely sold out so be sure to order yours in advance. These are made locally (smaller carbon footprint!) and are filled with thick, heavy cotton. The removable and washable cover is made of durable cotton canvas that wipes clean easily and can be used indoors or out. These bolsters are only 175aed per piece. Contact me at if you would like to order your yoga bolster.

I hope to see you on your mats and sharing the practice with me soon.