Thursday, May 4, 2017

Day 2

I've just finished Day 2's 30-minute practice with Fiji McAlpine. Going into it, I felt tired and achy as I had unexpectedly covered a Yin class last night for a teacher who was ill and already had a challenging pilates session this morning. This afternoon's session with Fiji was spent going over some of the basics in alignment. I think that it is a wonderful aspect of life as a yogi that even after all these years of practicing yoga asana, there is always more to learn. The cues and reminders she gave helped me to benefit more from my practice. In turn they will also help my students as I will incorporate these insights and knowledge into my own teaching.
I often hear students make negative comments about being "Only a beginner" or asking "What do I need to do to be advanced?" Personally, I don't believe in these particular levels of yoga practice. Bodies respond differently everyday. Even the most flexible and well practiced -dare I say, advanced- yogi has days when he falls out of a posture or has difficulty getting through a basic practice. I see one's yoga practice like the ebb and flow of the tide. There are days when it seems effortless and smooth and other days when those waves come crashing to shore only to be quickly and almost violently pulled back out to sea. I definitely don't feel effortless or smooth today. In fact, it feels like months since I have felt that way. However, that is part of this life-long yogic journey. Getting through the crashing and pulling helps me to appreciate the days that my body smoothly moves from one asana to the next. Coincidently, those 'smooth days' are also the days when my mind is clear, my heart feels full and my spirit soars.
So, if you struggle to get motivated to move your body or feel frustrated with what your body won't do, take comfort in the knowledge that you're not alone. We're all on this journey together.  Why not try a class or one of the challenges on Do Yoga With Me's website? It's free, you can do it in the privacy of your own home or during your travels and there are plenty of sessions to choose from.