Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Fields of Yoga Dubai News for November

As it is Wednesday, there is another opportunity to join us TONIGHT at 6pm for YogaWalk on the beach next to the Bait al Bahar Restaurant (just north of the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club). Grab a pair of comfy walking shoes, your yoga mat and a bottle of water for this unique yoga practice. We begin our moonlit session with a gentle yoga warming practice, then set off on a 4.5Km walk and finally finish off back on our mats with yoga stretches, meditation and yoga nidra, caressed by the seaside breeze and serenaded by the rhythm of the waves. Participants have reported lower stress levels, better sleep and uplifted moods after participating in YogaWalk. As always, YogaWalk remains a FREE class!

Solar Light Donation?
Now that the sun sets earlier, we are in need of a string or two of solar lights for our beach YogaWalk practice. (Our candle-lit lanterns are proving a little difficult) Do you have a string of solar lights that you would like to donate or lend to our practice? If so, please let me know or just bring them along tonight.

Dubai's Community Art Scene
Want to contribute toward a stronger sense of community in Dubai? This Saturday 5 November at 6pm there is a Members Exhibition at the Dubai International Art Centre in Jumeirah 1. All artists are residents of Dubai and this is a wonderful opportunity to support local artists and purchase beautiful pieces at excellent prices. More information, go to: On a personal note, three of my pieces will be on display at the exhibition. (DIAC  Street 75b, Villa No 27, Jumeirah Beach Road, Near Town Centre)

'Tis the Season!
As we head closer to the winter holidays, the sweet and often unhealthy treats start to make their appearance at work and at home. As an option to the corn syrups, processed sugars and the like, here is another wonderful recipe from the Nest and Glow website. These chocolate and nut butter cups will satisfy your sweet tooth and give the the anti-oxident benefits of almonds and dark chocolate. It's a win-win recipe!

YogaFest 2016
Mark your calendars for YogaFest on 11 November at Dubai Internet City Amphitheater. Come and enjoy free full moon yoga sessions hosted by the House of Yoga. Go to for more information.

For more information on these events or private yoga sessions, please feel free to contact me via email or WhatsApp (+971 50 2844374)