Saturday, March 10, 2012

What's my style?

People often ask me what type of yoga I teach. I find that question to be a bit difficult to answer because each time I attend a yoga class -no matter the style- I learn something beneficial that I try to incorporate into my own teaching. Over time this means that my style is not strictly 'Hatha' or 'Vinyasa' or 'Ashtanga' or anything else.  I do what my teachers have told me to do. I do what feels good and what I think will help my students to feel good. I describe my yoga style as 'Hatha Flow' and have come up with this description:

Hatha Flow incorporates meditation, pranyama and asanas. Hatha Flow takes you through traditional postures in movements that are synchronized with the breath. The postures are held for a short time and flow from one to the next which gets the heart pumping, body sweating out the toxins and provides resistance training using your own body weight rather than hand-held weights. Hatha Flow leaves your body feeling energized and your mind clear.

Teaching and doing what I call 'Hatha Flow' feels very natural to me and I've heard my students make the same comment.

Have you tried Hatha Flow classes?  How was your experience with the class? (click ' Post a Comment' below and add your thoughts on this)

If you haven't tried Hatha Flow classes yet, why not book a class with me today?